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The President doesn't need to use 18th century laws and drug cartels are criminal organizations but not terrorist organizations The President is a violent militant who just wants to use crime as an excuse to declare war against everyone. If he really wanted to end drug trafficking he would get rid of the CIA and DEA who are the biggest drug traffickers in the world. He would also fully legalize the possession and use of cannabis and make it legal for Americans to grow their own cannabis which is far safer than any synthetic opioid. Cannabis legalization would eliminate the demand for fentanyl and other synthetic opioids.

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Example of a very disturbing case from CA, where young woman starts to get increasing clashes with authorities related to drug possession, including 'prescription' drugs. In the same time she gets pregnant. During the pregnancy the clashes increase, including violations for not appearing to medical checkin's. Child services show up on scene as soon as she delivers the baby, custodian of the baby is turned to her sister, she is being prohibited to live in parents house where the sister and the baby is and as soon as the young woman tries to find new location the services show up again and taking the baby for good, completely away from the family. Maybe that's just one case, but something is telling me it is not, in particular after seeing this:

https://www.brighteon.com/4cdaa696-4098-41c5-9695-ab3fd28d780b “British MP Blows Whistle: 'My Colleagues Are Elite Pedophiles Who Drink Babies' Blood'“

basically only one more case where drugs are directly connected with child trafficking.

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