I was impressed by Vance's speech, how assured and confident he looked as he took a piece out of the assembled crowd. They didn't like being called out it seems. I also enjoyed the way Rubio responded to the warped statements on Face The Nation. That was great, thanks for posting such amazing truth bombs.

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Nothing Vance said was even remotely offensive. It's more amazing how this current generation of 'leaders' are completely tone deaf to their own people.

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Their "deafness" is deliberate as people's objections to their policies cannot be allowed to interfere with the leaders' longstanding aims. Anyone who doubts these aims only needs to look at the history in Europe beginning early 70's of non-stop unlimited immigration of mainly muslim men, and from the 90's onward, at various leaders' continuous pledges to reduce the numbers - which have only continued to climb. It has now become a virtually insoluble problem because of the numbers involved. Hence the fear of parties like the AfD and National Rally in France.

Whatever these leaders' aims may be, they are clearly not for the benefit of the indigenous populations.

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Whadda a stupid moron! 🤓

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Next they'll be claiming that freedom of speech is responsible for the creation of the Soviet Union, the NAKBA and the current genocide of the Palestinians. While Vance is correct the Trump administration are all hypocrites. They pretend to be free speech warriors when condemning selective attacks on free speech in foreign countries on types of speech they approve of but at home they themselves are also guilty of attacking freedom of speech when they seek to silence and persecute anyone criticizing the State of Israel. Just like the Nazis the US military is planning to suspend the Constitution.


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The National Socialists (“Nazi” is a derogatory Jewish propaganda term) did not “hate” minorities. Jesse Owens was treated better by the Germans than in America. 150,000 Germans of partial Jewish descent fought WITH the Germans, as did French, Russian, and many others. More French died fighting alongside the Germans than against. Hitler’s driver and bodyguard was half Jew and a founding member of the SS. The German SS had members from 30 different nationalities, including Muslims. UK & France started the war by encouraging Poland to kill Germans in Danzig, and Germany CONTINUOUSLY tried to make peace with UK before and during the war. Everything we’ve been told about the National Socialists, Germany, Hitler, and the Holocaust is a LIE !!!

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The National Socialists (“Nazi” is a derogatory Jewish propaganda term) hated COMMUNISTS most of all, not Jews. Auschwitz was only 40% Jew.

Auschwitz was NOT a Jewish concentration camp; it was only 40% Jew. Auschwitz and the other camps were WORKER CAMPS filled with enemies of the state including communists, criminals, and pedophiles, and Jews unsurprisingly made up 40% of that population. Auschwitz had a swimming pool, horse stables, rabbit farm, greenhouse, movie theater, orchestra, soccer field, and post office.

Only the handful of camps "liberated" by Bolshevik Jews from the Soviet Union claimed to have gas chambers AFTER every single camp liberated by American troops was proven to NOT have gas chambers. They did have rooms for delousing prisoners to PREVENT THEN FROM DYING of typhus, which along with starvation caused by an Allied blockade of Germany is how about 280,000 Jews died in the worker camps near the end of the war.

Auschwitz, which initially claimed that 4 million Jews were exterminated, lowered that to 2.5 million and then again to 1.1 million. Majdanek originally claimed 2 million but lowered their totals to 78k. Treblinka and Belzec claimed there were mass graves totally about a million dead Jews, but in 1999 when Engineer Richard Krege surveyed the supposed area where mass graves were located with ground penetrating radar, no graves were found and the ground was proven to be undisturbed. The World Almanac listed 15.3 million Jews in 1933 and 15.7 million in 1945. So why does the 6 million LIE keep getting repeated? Because the TRUTH does not matter; the victors determine history. The FAKE gas chambers at Auschwitz, debunked by gas chamber experts like Fred Leuchter and Allied arial footage of the camps during the war, were built by the Polish government in 1948.

How can all this be true? Because all of us have been LIED to and we know "History" from Spielberg propaganda films and other Jewish media and academia LIES in all movies and text books. The McGraw Hill text books were bought by Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, a Mossad agent, and other CIA/Mossad affiliates in the 1960s. The Rothschilds bought Encyclopedia Britannica in the 19th century. Jews currently own the AP and Reuters news service and the six media corporations controlling all the news. movies, and television shows.

Why were we LIED to? First to distract from the murder of 60 million Orthodox Christians by Bolshevik Jews from 1918 to 1945, the Allied war crimes like the bombing of Dresden, and the rape, torture, and murder of 10 million German civilians by Americans, Brits, and Soviet Bolsheviks immediately after the war. Secondly to forever demonize Hitler and National Socialism, so it will never threaten the Communists and Crony Capitalists again. Thirdly, so millions of Jews can extort Germany and get paid reparations to this day as Holocaust survivors. Fourthly, so the world would accept the theft of Palestinian land and the murder of Palestinians by Jews with absolutely no lineage to the Middle East. And finally, so Jews can forever play the victim card and use it to justify any and all acts of treachery and immorality, and call anyone who criticizes them an antisemite, when they are not even Semites. Everything about Jews, the Holocaust, Germany, and Hitler is A LIE !!!

You can prove all this YOURSELF with only a few minutes of research using a search engine like Yandex not Google, by exploring alternative media like Bitchute, Odysee, Brighteon, Rumble and even X for the time being, and by looking into historians David Irving and Deborah Lipstadt, Bishop Williamson, Ernst Zundel, and many others who have the courage to expose the truth.

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You don’t think Nazi’s used speech to enable genocide? Why do you think Germans have gone to such great lengths to criminalize such speech since the Holocaust? See, e.g., https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/germanys-laws-antisemitic-hate-speech-nazi-propaganda-holocaust-denial/

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The Nazis used censorship to take control and manipulate the population. This is exactly what is happening now. And now they want to create a European army.

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is that how Hitler got his 99% approval rating? The highest, BY FAR, of any leader in History. Probably didn't have anything to do with the German Miracle that erased 33% unemployment, 270K suicides a year, run away inflation, starvation, malnutrition, and societal degeneracy and created the healthiest. most productive, most innovating, most educated, most widespread prosperous nation on earth.

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Correct, and they also used hate speech to demonize the population against the Jews. Both were part of an antisemitic strategy that enabled the Holocaust. Such strategy is fairly called a weaponization of free speech, IMO.

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Rewrite history all you want, but censorship was the tool and now it’s being used against citizens of Germany again. I’d tell you to pray on it, but that also is illegal in parts of Europe now.

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So Nazis didn’t use speech to demonize and dehumanize the Jews?

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Yes they did but the use of hate speech shouldn't be used as a justification to ban freedom of speech only allowing speech the ruling authorities approve of. The ruling authorities will always seek to ban any speech that goes against their approved narratives. That's how it is with any totalitarian ruling class. Our country already has laws that prohibit hate speech and any calls for violence though our country's laws often are not equally applied. The Nazis hate speech against the Jews isn't why the Holocaust happened. Also the Jews are only one group among many that the Nazis hated. They targeted many other groups and classes of people including the Communists, Socialists and other leftists, black people, protestant Christians and the handicapped and physically disabled.

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Free speech and speech are different things. Free speech would have allowed media to criticize what the Nazis were doing. Propaganda went unchecked because the media was prevented from saying anything.

Look up the White Rose resistance. Nazis punished free speech by cutting the heads off of the resistance.


What brutal irony that anti-semitism is now the vehicle used by authoritarians to remove free speech.

If we had had free speech the past four years, how many people would have been spared the living nightmare of MRNA vaccine injury.

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For the most part, the Jews did that all by themselves. Calling out their subversion, treachery, and degeneracy doesn’t make the messenger the villain; they were the villains all on their own.

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Most of the Anti-White propaganda today comes from Jews, in case you haven’t been paying attention. It was the same back them. Propaganda against the German people was the norm. I see you’ve been sufficiently brainwashed over a lifetime of lies to believing the Jewish victimization BS.

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WOW, how clueless are you? That’s so people can’t expose the so-called Holocaust as the HOAX that it is.

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Oh so Anne Frank was just playing hide and seek with her friends?

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Anne Frank was pure FICTION, like the Holocaust

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