
"We had a doctor laugh at us" 8 yr old Girl Injured by the Covid Vax

When 8 yr old Ryleigh's doctors didn't want to treat her vaccine injury, her Mom wouldn't give up. The story of one family's struggle to get treatment out of a toxic medical system.

Riley’s story was featured in my film “Epidemic of Fraud”. This is the original interview I had with the Jones family on May 6, 2022.

An unexpected email

In May 2022 I was on a road trip on the east coast. One morning I received a random email from a mother, Jennifer Jones, who was in distress. This was very early into Broken Truth and we had only done a handful of interviews at that point, so the fact that anyone had even heard of this show was a surprise to me.

Jennifer explained in her email:


I am the mother and  advocate for Ryleigh Jones. She is 8 and has been injured by the covid vaccine.  I am wondering if you’d like to interview us. CPS was also called on  me for mentioning the word  ivermectin. We have been In the hospital over 13 times and laughed  at and ridiculed. 

When I received this email, I was in North Carolina debating whether to drive to DC for the weekend to get footage for potential episodes or go back to Georgia. My initial response was to deal with Jennifer’s email later, but I noticed that Jennifer’s signature included an address in Virginia.

“Ok, I’ll look”.

After initially closing my laptop, I sat there thinking about serendipity and leaving the door open for the Creator to provide opportunities. “Ok, I’ll look”, I said out loud, and opened the email again.

I asked Jennifer where she was located and she gave me her address. I looked on the map and surprise, the Jones family was just a 5 minute detour off the freeway if I continued to Washington DC. The bizarre coincidence was too much for me so I called Jennifer and asked if she would be home in a few hours. We were both a little shocked that this random email would result in my being there mere hours later. The Jones family invited me to their home and I began the trip to hear Riley’s story.

Beautiful Virginia

Along the drive, I was struck by how beautiful the countryside of Virginia is. This area is steeped in American history and you can see it everywhere. I pulled over and changed in the car next to a small Civil War monument.

I wasn’t prepared for a full interview, but as they say, “a country boy can survive”. I hacked together my iPhone and DSLR for a two camera setup. The audio wasn’t going to be amazing but we work with what we’ve got.

I arrived at the Jones home and sat down with a family that was undergoing a tremendous amount of stress. Jennifer, Ryan and Ryleigh recounted their story of hospital abuse and dirty tricks by doctors who were in clear denial about vaccine injuries. What’s worse is these attacks were bizarrely political, a trend that has become painfully clear as time has gone on.

The result of the interview is in this podcast video, but needless to say, when investigating VCU doctors’ tweets I was shocked. These doctors have removed their tweets or hidden them from the public, but you can see the screen grabs that were publicly available at the time in the video of Riley’s interview.


The good news for the Jones clan is that they have now escaped Occupied Virginia and found refuge in a Free State that shall remain nameless. Even better, Riley is fully recovered, healthy, happy, and safe from the doctors in Virginia and their politicized medicine.

Recap & Takeaways

*Note: Many of these links no longer work and have been deleted or hidden by the doctors.

Doc's call CPS on Mom https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/news/post/hospital-calls-cps-on-vaccine-victim-after-mother-asks-about-ivermectin/

VCU Student Body President Exposed https://thepostmillennial.com/student-body-president-of-virginia-commonwealth-university-has-history-of-violent-extremist-racist-online-posts

More VCU Student Issues https://thepostmillennial.com/student-activist-celebrates-the-shooting-death-of-police-officers-prays-for-the-death-of-andy-ngo

Dr. Mark Ryan


Dr. Grace Mueller's tweets https://web.archive.org/web/20220424035708/






More about Ryleigh's story https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/ryleigh-jones-8-year-old-girl-with-functional-neurological-disorder-following-pfizer-covid-vaccine/

Brandy Zadrozny and Dr. Kavita Patel on MS-NBC

Functional Neurologic Disorder https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/patient-caregiver-education/fact-sheets/functional-neurologic-disorder