
Dr. Drew Episode which mentioned "Epidemic of Fraud" was BANNED by YouTube.

As a reminder that the censorship complex is alive an well, an episode of Dr. Drew featuring attorney Warner Mendenhall was recently banned. Dr. Drew's epic response is below.

Dr. Drew has come a long way in the past few years. In the following series of tweets, he explained his experience being censored on the YouTube platform. It just so happened his latest censored episode was also the first episode where Epidemic of Fraud was ever mentioned on Dr. Drew’s show.


Warner Mendenhall is head of the Mendenhall Law Group and co-founder of Freedom Counsel, a non-profit org dedicated to supporting attorneys fighting for the rights of all Americans. In the above clip, I explain the background of why Warner Mendenhall, Dr. Drew’s guest, brings up the film. The clip of the show mentioning the film follows my intro.

This censorshop has caused concern with Dr. Drew, who penned a very impassioned series of X posts regarding the matter.

One can only hope that YouTube is held accountable for the unforgivable position it has taken, censoring doctors, nurses, and injured over the past few years.

Read on for Dr. Drew’s post below which has now hit over 8 million views on X, and watch our movie at EpidemicofFraud.com.

Read Dr. Drew's Post on X

By Dr. Drew on X

This weekend, @YouTubeCreators accused me of spreading "medical misinformation" & took down 2 videos with an MD & a lawyer. I've been a board-certified physician for over 40 years – 2x @YouTube's existence. So let's take a closer look at the timestamps they say are "harmful"...

A screenshot of a YouTube video that has been removed by the platform from the Dr. Drew channel, and replaced by words that read "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines"

Violation 1: medical misinformation at 22:52. Dr. Kelly Victory shares her professional opinion about young people who were injured by mRNA side effects, saying the "vast majority of the people who have been injured are young, healthy people who were under the age of 50 who had fundamentally zero risk from COVID itself. They all got COVID. 98% of the population has documentation they've had COVID. These are people who would have been fine if they were just left alone." The two people on screen – @DrKellyVictory and me – are licensed, board-certified physicians who completed medical school decades ago. I was chief resident at Huntington Hospital, an Assistant Clinical Professor in medicine & psychiatry at Keck USC, and a Director of Addiction Services at Las Encinas Hospital for 25 years. Do I agree with everything Dr. Victory says? I do not. And she wouldn't hesitate to say the same about me (often on my own show). But I have a commitment to free speech and open debate between dissenting experts. It is not medical misinformation for a licensed doctor to provide an opinion on a broadcast.

By the way... here's Dr. Fauci in 2023 insisting "there's no doubt that masks work" despite the data and opposition from public health experts like epidemiologist @DrHarveyRisch (a Yale professor) who told me "in reality, what you’re talking about is putting up a chain link fence and hoping that it blocks mosquitoes.” Dr. Fauci's interview is still fully available on YouTube:

Violation 2: medical misinformation at 38:21. Attorney Warner Mendenhall of @akronlawfirm shares his professional opinion and details about a case he's fighting. "I believe about half a million people have died from taking the shot. We are currently representing one of my clients who is extremely ill. Her spinal cord has been damaged... she's having trouble breathing... she goes by

." Do I agree with everything Mendenhall says? I do not. I haven't seen convincing evidence that 500,000 people died from the shot. But it is not medical misinformation for an attorney to discuss the details of an ongoing case, even if those details do not align with the CDC's preferred narrative at the time (e.g. the Tuskegee Study, Guatemalan STD experiments, Willowbrook Hepatitis study, Camp Lejeune water contamination). It is not medical misinformation for someone to state their belief that a large number of people were harmed by a medical product or study. That is his opinion based on evidence from his cases.

By the way... here's Rachel Maddow telling MSNBC viewers "we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people." Maddow's statements are still fully available on @YouTube


These aren't the first warnings or strikes I've received from @YouTube. The first time this happened, my producer got on the phone with them & made peace (it's hard to moderate billions of hours of content and YouTube will make mistakes sometimes). But when it happened again last year, my producer politely asked them if I could do a "provider to provider" call, from one physician to another, so I could have a clinical conversation with the person on their side who is judging my interviews – the hallowed YouTube moderator who graduated medical school, spent time in residency, and treated enough patients to confidently claim my professional opinion is harmful enough to justify censorship. Of course that person couldn't speak to me, because that person does not exist. YouTube doesn't have physicians on their moderation team.

YouTube is free to stay on the wrong side of history. Their house, their rules. But it's times like these when I'm especially grateful that @ElonMusk brought free speech back to the public square. Both @AskDrDrew episodes are still available on X, and I refuse to delete even 1 second of them to appease Google's unqualified, unlicensed, untrained, unidentified censors.
1/10/2025 with @DrKellyVictory

& @HarryFisherEMTP.

Watch Epidemic of Fraud now.

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