
Flashback: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Forced the FDA to Admit Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin

A reminder that every once in a while truth prevails.

Remember when the FDA went on a full-court press to stop any treatments for Covid, like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine? We do. Three judges in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals do as well.

In August of 2023, Ashley Cheung Honold with the Department of Justice represented Health and Human Services in the lawsuit appeal between Dr. Mary Bowden and other doctors against the FDA's misrepresentation of ivermectin and the public consequences that occurred from it. At one point in the misinformation campaign created by the FDA and its acolytes in the media, the FDA tweeted "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

The FDA ultimately lost in appeal and as the trial approached discovery chose to settle with the plaintiffs. Part of their settlement was the removal of the tweet below. It took a while, but the FDA finally removed the tweet.

The implication that ivermectin was an animal medication echoed throughout liberal media and resulted in the harassment of medical doctors across the country who advocated for early and preventative treatment for COVID-19. Doctors like Mary Bowden in Houston, Texas saw repeated positive results from the medication and proceeded to prescribe it repeatedly. The blowback from entities with financial interests in the vaccines and continuing the windfall generated by the FDA's "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA) would be put at risk if any treatment was found for COVID-19.

Quip or Commandment?

Dr. Bowden's relationship with Houston Methodist was terminated because of her willingness to treat patients. Articles written by medical doctors like Ryan Marino, an MD for University Hospital Cleveland, a Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine clinical trial vendor, were merciless in attacking anyone pursuing affordable, early treatment of Covid-19, leading off his article with the tweet the FDA called a 'quip'. Marino failed to disclose his employer was involved in clinical trials, and he mocked and blocked anyone who brought up his conflict of interest. NBC News receives untold millions, if not billions, in ad revenue from pharmaceutical companies. David Cohen, a former Comcast/Universal/NBC executive and now Ambassador to Canada, was a huge campaigner for Joe Biden. Is that why under Biden HHS provided billions of dollars to media companies, including Comcast / NBC, across the US to promote the vaccines via its propaganda unit "Community Corps", violating FCC rules on undisclosed sponsored content?

Excerpt from Marino's Article

Other NGO groups like "Team Halo" and "Shots Heard Round the World" provided attention and followers for liberal doctors who towed the vaccines-or-nothing line. Followers would file medical license complaints in bulk against medical professionals like Scott Miller in Washington, whose license was revoked due to his fierce advocacy for his patients. The politicized WA Medical License board barely investigated some claims against Scott, many of which were obviously false.

While attempting to dodge responsibility for the FDA's tweet heard around the world, Honold on behalf of the FDA made a shocking admission to the Fifth Circuit of Appeals:

"The FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the
authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID."

Ashley Cheung Honold, DOJ Lawyer Representing the FDA, Fifth Circuit of Appeals, 8/8/2023

A clip from the Ivermectin appeals case this week. Listen to how the judge grills the DOJ over the 'Stop it' tweet. And listen to how it ends with a DOJ/FDA acknowledgment that doctors have the authority to prescribe ivermectin for COVID-19.


This statement flew in the face of all of the slanderous attacks Dr. Bowden and others received after the FDA got involved. What's worse - the tweet by the FDA was intentionally misleading not only in its command to 'STOP IT', but also in the representation that Ivermectin was primarily a veterinary medication. Ivermectin was discovered in Japan and the inventor received a Nobel prize for it. Merck even gives ivermectin away for free to African countries. Thanks to the FDA's statements, pharmacists refused to fill prescriptions for ivermectin around the country and doctors were hamstrung, again, by the very agencies they trusted to aid them.

The FDA's statements were also used by foreign-aided advocacy groups and defense contractors like Capgemini. Capgemini owns the advocacy group 'Purpose', which created 'Team Halo'.

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From Activist to Journalist

In 2019 Purpose's campaign director, Marisa Kabas left Purpose just in time to become a 'freelance journalist' before COVID and the 2020 Election. What's incredible is Marisa quickly developed a massive stable of clients like The Washington Post, The Week, The Independent, GQ, Rolling Stone, and more. Marisa's focus seems to be attacking anything that is positively associated with conservatism: Trump, abortion restrictions, Ivermectin, America's Frontline Doctors, etc. A great example of this is her article "The Pharmacies Giving Ivermectin To People Bamboozled By Right-Wing Misinformation" for Huffington Post / Yahoo News.
This pattern of politicized activism hidden as journalism is a component of what the Chinese call "Unrestricted Warfare".

America Needs Answers

We must question why there is such a coordinated effort to attack ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Perhaps it has something to do with the NIH's complex relationship with big pharma and the 350 million dollars in royalties nearly 2500 NIH scientists received from pharma. With billions, if not trillions of dollars flowing into the veins of these companies - many of which are foreign-owned and controlled - one has to wonder just what lengths these corporate entities would go to to ensure the money continues. The behavior of these activists posing as journalists is also something that requires additional scrutiny.

The rest of the 50-minute appeal is worth watching and can be viewed in the video above.