How dare you question Mr Gates…the Everything Expert!

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Gee whiz what was I thinking? :)

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Bill Gates corruption foundation.

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Synagogue of satan fndt

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why don't You John remind Mr Gates one more sin, IVERMECTIN?? Here on of the many corrupt 'meta-analysis studies' titled "Systematic review and meta-analysis of ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19: evidence beyond the hype" claiming, quote:

"The evidence suggests that ivermectin does not reduce mortality risk and the risk of mechanical ventilation requirement. "

and Gates contribution was:

Ivermectin vs. placebo Randomized sample Final sample Agea Ivermectin Com Fund

Reis et al. [7] 679 679 49 (38–57) Ivermectinh + SOCi Placebo + SOCi Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (INV-019641)

ddin't read the study, but this already seems strange:

A1: Ivermectin 12 mg for 5 days; A2: Ivermectin 12 mg for 4 days...

from Table 1...

And then END of March2022 brother Bill already had this in the MOST PRESTIGIOUS NEJM:


with conclusion:

"Treatment with ivermectin did not result in a lower incidence of medical admission to a hospital due to progression of Covid-19 or of prolonged emergency department observation among outpatients with an early diagnosis of Covid-19. (Funded by FastGrants and the Rainwater Charitable Foundation; TOGETHER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04727424.)"

you go and search for Bill, you get this Reis et al from above:

Reis G, Silva EAdSM, Silva DCM, et al. A multi-center, adaptive, randomized, plat-

form trial to evaluate the effect of repurposed medicines in outpatients with early

coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and high-risk for complications: the TOGETHER

master trial protocol. Gates Open Research 2021;5:117 (https://gatesopenresearch.org/


and that despite of publishing in Apr. 2020 (https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1432/rr-26), quote:

" the WHO is directing additional focus to Ivermectin, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting redirection of US $19 million of its grant funds to repurposing Ivermectin for COVID management (2). "

hm, SO much money and nothing...??? Dr. Kory must have much more on it in his book..

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You shouldn't be surprised the Gates Foundation didn't answer your questions. Criminals don't provide transparency and they only like to answer softball questions that aren't intended to expose misconduct. It's perfectly legal for anyone to visit your website and research it so its not stalking which is illegal. Have you not heard of opposition research where people research their critics seeking to discredit them. I'm sure it happens to investigative reporters and journalists all the time.

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My favorite parts of Covid:



Let’s talk about privilege.

As I lean back with my feet up.

With those vaccinated left staring at the soles of my handsome shoes.

A privilege well earned.


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Way back when (10+ years ago) I was researching vaccines, & down many wabbit holes. So many questionable "studies" & seeming malfeasance in medicine, that far too many coincidentally intersected with this man/foundation.

This was way before it was vogue to question the motives of the great & powerful computer genius. In fact, when I would bring it up with techy friends & family, they thought I was in the land of tinfoil hats.

So at one point, I was looking at various science "inventions" that were being worked on by the foundation, some on their site, several on other sites corresponding to those funded, originally found on the BMGF site (ultrasound being used for sterilization, some articles elsewhere discussing the use of these in Africa, urine testing for LymeDisease, funded by the foundation with diagrams & description seemingly unscientific, looking like a 5th grader had created [I believe it was George Mason U, funded by BMGF], "flying syringes" a Japanese scientist being funded for a study arming mosquitoes w/vax,

2008? WP http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/22/AR2008102203083.html

"Novel" ideas for health by the foundation, 2008


Cannot find original article, but found these are 2013 re a NJ school working in arming mozzies:


"This Biotechnology Company Run By High Schoolers Is Developing A “Flying Syringe”


2010 MIT article re flying vaccinators:


2022 "A box of 200 mosquitoes did the vaccinating in this malaria trial. That's not a joke!" FL


And we wonder why so many are sick?

C-vid or other? Man's tinkering with nature & arming insects with concoctions that inject into all animal life-what could possibly go wrong?

Anyhoo, I was looking at many oddball sites, "studies," etc & at that moment in time, I was on my iPhone. I had a few windows opened with nih & other when a live message typed one letter at a time across my screen saying,

"Let it go." I was shocked & about to take a screenshot, when poof, the message was gone.

I figured it was the BMGF organization or nsa with the sites opened pinging whomever. But I also thought it might be a practical joke from a computer nerd in my house who said no-it def was not him. I wished I had the capability then to view the ISP, tho for those who want to cover their tracks it can be scrambled. I guess the foundation did not think you would note their ISP so I would imagine now with the article published, they will take measures to avoid.

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Should be Gates synagogue of satan fndt! 👹

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