Here's the email I sent:

Dear Ambassador Anniken Huitfeldt,

I am writing to you regarding Petter Gunnerad & Monica Drexel, daughters Iris and Saga

Case # BIN-2024 / 001132

I read that you are a mother, you have adult children. Can you imagine if those children had been ripped away from you when they were little? And you were only allowed to see them twice in over a year for 3 hours?

Why is your country not only allowing, but protecting the kidnappers of children? Why are these children being kept away from their family and parents? You do realize this emotionally damages a child? Why is your Barnevernet paying bonuses for diagnoses that may or may not be true? Why is your Barnevernet not following their own protocol in many cases? I understand that Norwegian law stipulates that support measures must be attempted first before authorities can resort to drastic actions. Why were these children, Saga and Iris, removed from their home without support being offered first?

The official justification for the emergency removal was an alleged lack of schooling. However, this reasoning does not hold up to scrutiny. The youngest child was not even of school age. The 8-year-old was homeschooled with full approval from Norwegian education authorities and under the supervision of a government-appointed monitor.

Further, and this is truly appalling: “In the city of Tynset, they’ve been taking 4% of all the children living in the area,” with “$60,000 a year child support being paid by parents per child” and bonuses for fabricated diagnoses. A 2018 letter from 170 Norwegian professionals called Barnevernet “dysfunctional” from BBC News, “Norway’s Barnevernet,” April 13, 2016.

These emotionally damaging cases of over-reach of Barnevernet keep showing up in the media and Norway is getting a black eye over this repeatedly. This has been going on entirely too long. The ECHR has ruled against Norway in over 24 cases since 2015. Clean up this mess, return these children to their parents, require the state to help heal the bond between parent and child; and reform Barnevernet.

Thank you for your time and attention. More concerned people will be contacting you on this matter.


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What a phenomenal email. Outstanding!

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That is amazing. Thank you!!!

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Feb 26Edited

Anyone who wishes is welcome to use it as well. :) Those girls need to be back with their parents. <3 Thank you John for noticing and reporting on the 'little people'. And I cross posted as well, in case it helps.

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You are very welcome! Let's get these kids home!

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Thank you!

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So sad, unfortunately here in the states the same thing is happening. There is evil in our social services that needs rooting out.

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Something bizarre is happening there. It's certainly bad here, but in Norway it truly is another level of insanity.

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Thanks for shining a light on this evil country and system called Norway. I actually didn't know this part about i used to consider perhaps a great country except for its wokeness per excellence. Now to learn abt the state sanctioned CHILD ABDUCTIONS just nails the coffin for me finally.

Tried seeing a little of Mrs Chatterjee on Netflix and i just had to stop.

This people are EVIL.

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Thanks.I think I may have captured the Embassador's attention. The subject line read: "Norway kidnapping Children". I don't think they'll overlook that email.

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Dear Ambassador Anniken Huitfeldt,

I am writing to you regarding Petter Gunnerad & Monica Drexel and their two daughters Iris and Saga, Case No BIN-2024 / 001132.

I have read a factual outline of the case by a reputable news source. It is abundantly clear that the Drexlers have not committed a crime. It is also abundantly clear that the Barnevernet is not following lawful procedures and even appears to be targeting the couple and children due to a political agenda. What has happened is a tragedy of gross proportions and a mockery of justice.

How would you feel if your children were aggressively removed from your home without due cause or due process? How would you feel if your children were split up into different homes thereby causing further trauma? How would you like it if you were not allowed regular visitations which is supposed to be permitted? Can you imagine the heartbreak of these innocent people?

The official justification for the emergency removal was an 'alleged' lack of schooling. This allegation does not hold up to scrutiny. The Drexels’ legal rights have clearly been violated. Under Norwegian law, they’re entitled to support measures before removal, a step that the Drexler's solicitor states was skipped:

“Norwegian law stipulates that support measures must be attempted first before authorities can resort to drastic actions.” They have a right to due process, including support persons and witnesses, yet they “have been systematically denied” this, breaching both national law and the European Convention on Human Rights’ Article 6 fair hearing guarantee. Article 8 protects their family life, undermined by the unproven removal and denied visitation. Normally a parent would be allowed to visit their child every week in this period after, it’s called an emergency decision, yet they’ve only been permitted two visits for 3 hours (under strict surveillance).The youngest child was not even of school age!! The 8-year-old was homeschooled with full approval from Norwegian education authorities and in good standing under the supervision of a government-appointed monitor."

By all appearances, the children were very happy, healthy and well-adjusted up until the police stormed into their house and aggressively took them from their parents. Since being removed and forcibly split up, both children have displayed signs of trauma, particularly the youngest who has developed speech problems. This is a typical sign of trauma. Barnevernet is supposed to be prevent trauma, not cause it!

I have just outlined the indisputable facts on record. So, my questions to you are:

- Why is your Barnevernet kidnapping children from responsible, law-abiding parents who are raising happy, healthy and well-adjusted children?

- Why is your Barnevernet not following lawful protocols/procedures in such cases?

- Why is your Barnevernet not allowing support persons or witnesses which is the law?

- Why have the children, Saga and Iris, been removed from their home without support being offered first?

- Why has 4% of children living in Tynset been taken from their homes with £60,000 a year child support being paid by parents per child and bonuses for fabricated diagnoses?

A 2018 letter from 170 Norwegian professionals called Barnevernet “dysfunctional” from BBC News, “Norway’s Barnevernet,” April 13, 2016. Furthermore, the ECHR has ruled against Norway in over 24 cases since 2015. These emotionally damaging cases of Barnevernet over-reach keeps showing up in the media. This is not a good look for your country.

What is your stand in this matter, Ambassador? Will you use your influence to restore the rights of the Drexlers and have their children returned to them and help heal the trauma caused by Barnevernet? Will you support reforming Barnevernet so that it is truly fair, unbiased, balanced and held accountable to its own laws and procedures?

I hope you think about all the facts in this case and do the right thing.

Kind regards,

Ren McNeill

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Incredible email. Thank you, Ren!

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And we Americans are toying with "school choice" subsidies.

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Where is the justice. Where is the reasoning. Where are the rights.

This is all indicative of the high level of injustice and corruption that exists.

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Thank you for putting light on this evil system. As a Norwegian its hard to convince people about it, since most people believe that they are working for the childs best interests (barnets beste)

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I am deeply concerned for humanity.

Our governments are being taken over by absolute PSYCHOPATHS who are gunning for the children. The only way to stop this cruel immorality in our public institutions is to stand united as a human species. We must defend each other against criminal abuses of power, and we must do so as a LOUD MAJORITY! It cannot be just a few voices. (A flash in the pan.) That won't make enough of an impact to change the outcome.

Reality and the human collective are interdependent, and I think that for far too long people have looked the other way when evil was was hurting others (as long as it didn't affect themselves), and because of such indifference and aversion, humanity unwittingly opened itself up to a massive parasitic infestations of our governments.

Freedom and morality requires a population that is compassionate, discerning, vigilant, active. Hopefully it is not to late to turn this around, but a lot of people are going to have to speak up and take action.

Otherwise, people can expect even worse to happen.


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