Get your expensive EV that catches on fire. Wow, what a deal!

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Sure sounds like it's sure getting harder and harder to flog those wonderful 'safe and effective' electric vehicles.... I can't help thinking about the coming black chaos when there's 100% ev's and most of them go on charge in the early evenings as a huge addition to that existing peak energy demand period.....and we're asked to believe that such massively greater daily energy load will supposedly be supplied by 'grubby green' sources with far less base load efficiency than those the rabidly mindless idealogues about town are intent upon scrapping. Those of us with rational and competent intellectual capacity might well say "good luck with that....'

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I'm wondering what happened to Taylor Wilson's small nuclear fission reactors. They were supposed to solve quite a few energy problems AND run off of the waste of larger fission reactors . Then poof the discussion of this work vanished.


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When we're dealing with the rabidly mindless idealogue brigade no discussions are allowed on the table unless they align with policies couched in and supported by official fear and extremism. You know....such as underpinned by the UN's unfounded "Global Boiling" nonsense. Normal folks understand that rationally productive debate is impossible in the face of such utterly deceptive drivel.

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